



國外教授來訪學術演講 「IPR and Applications to e-Forensics and Smart Cities」

This talk is concerned with fundamental aspects of IPR and Applications to e-Forensics and Smart Cities. It basically includes the following:
Interactive Pattern Recognition Concept, Importance of Measurement and Ambiguity, How it works, Modeling and Simulation, Basic Principles and Applications to Computer Vision, Security, e-Forensics, Road Sign Design, biomedical diagnosis, Safer biomedical diagnosis, Traffic and Robot Driving with Vision, Ambiguous (design of Road Signs vs Unambiguous (Good) Road Signs, How to Disambiguate an Ambiguous Road Sign? What is Big Data? and more Examples and Applications of Learning and Greener World using Computer Vision, Handwriting recognition and signature verification, Image analysis and document processing, Combination of different types of features and classification techniques, Application of multiple expert systems and neural networks, Natural language processing, Parallel algorithms and VLSI architectures, Finally, some future research directions are discussed.

Smart cities are comprised of diverse and interconnected components constantly exchanging data and facilitating improved living for a nation's population. Our view of a typical smart city consists of four key components, namely, Smart Grids, Building Automation Systems (BAS), Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), Smart Vehicles; with enabling Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and the Cloud platform. The adversarial threats and criminal misuses in a smart city are increasingly heterogenous and significant, with provisioning of resilient and end-to-end security being a daunting task. When a cyber incident involving critical components of the smart city infrastructure occurs, appropriate measures can be taken to identify and enumerate concrete evidence to facilitate the forensic investigation process. Forensic preparedness and lessons learned from past forensic analysis can help protect the smart city against future incidents. This paper presents a holistic view of the security landscape of a smart city, identifying security threats and providing deep insight into digital investigation in the context of the smart city.


